お客さんのところから直帰します | I’m going straight home from the client. |
なるべくすぐお返事します | I'll get back to you ASAP. |
これやったら帰ります | I'll head home after this. |
好きなお席にどうぞ | Please take a seat wherever you like. |
お水はセルフです。 | Please help yourself to some water. |
すぐ伺います。 | I'll be right there. |
こちらおさげしてよろしいですか? | Are you finished with this? |
別々で払えますか? | We'd like to split the check. |
こちら次回からお使いいただけるクーポンです | This is a coupon for your next visit |
空きはありますか? | Do you have any vacancies? |
海の見える部屋はいくらですか? | What's the rate for the room whith an ocian view? |
山田で予約しています。 | I have a reservation under the name of Yamada. |
こちらの領収書にサインをいただけますか | If you'll just sign the receipt here please. |
どういたしまして。 | You are most welcome. |
大変申し訳ありません。 | I am terribly sorry. |
二度と同じことが起こらないようにいたします。 | That will never happen. |
いつもあなたの味方だよ。 | I'm always on your side. |
私を頼っていいよ。 | You can count on me. |
ちょっと相談があるんだけど | Can I talk to you for a minute? |
荷物見ててもらってもいい? | Can you keep an eye on my luggege |
(飛行機の)出発前に軽く食べよう。 | Let't grab a bite to eat before our flight |
液体はビニール袋に入れてください | Please put any liquid into a plastic bag. |
荷物が重量オーバーです | Your bag is overweight |
荷物から離れないようにお願いします | Pleas do not leave any bags unattended |
ちょっと荷物を減らします | I'll take some stuff out of my bag. |
乗り継ぎで数時間あります | I have a few hours stopover between my flights |
よく乗り物酔いをします | I often get motion sickness |
免税店よってこ~っと | I'll stop by the duty free shops. |
すみませんちょっと通していただけますか? | Excuse me, may I get through? |
おりま~す | I'm getting off |
ちょっとドア開けといてもらってもいいですか? | Can you leave the door open for me? |
昨日あそこに時計を置いてきたかも | I might have left my watch there last night |
申し訳ありませんがこちらにはございません | I'm afraid we don'thave one |
出てきたら電話貰えますか? | Could you call me when you find it? |
声が出ない! | I lost my voice!! |
瞼が腫れてる~ | My eyelids are swollen |
クリスマスツリーに足が1本足りないよ | Our Christmas tree is missing a leg |
早割にするなら今ケーキを注文しなくちゃ | We need to order the cake now to get the early bird discount |
クリスマスにチキンを食べるのは日本人ぐらいだ | Japanese people are the only ones who eat chicken on Christmas, |
あ!カビ! | Aww it's moldy |
うっ蜘蛛の巣 | Aww there's a spider web |
なんか忘れてない? | Didn't we forget something? |
やっぱり忘れてた | Oh,I knew I forgot something |
オンラインでプレゼント買ってるのを見られちゃった | I was caught buying presents online. |
どこに隠そうかな | Where shold we hide it |
何の音? | What's that sound?! |
停電だ~ | The power is out |
お休み中は何もしないでごろごろしてた | I was sitting around during the holidays |
どうせ買うなら大吉が良かったよ | I'd rather have daikichi if I pay for it. |
おみくじは小吉だった | My omikuzi fortune slip said slightly good. |
どうして13日の金曜日は不吉な日だとされているの? | Why is Friday the 13the considerd an unlucky day |
ジェイソンがまだ夢に出てくるよ | ‘Jason' still haunts my dream. |
大寒波がまた来るよ | A major cold wave is coming again |
雪が溶けるまで家にこもってよう | I'm locking myself in the house untill the snow melts |
あのつらら見て! | Look at that icicle! |
ちゃんと前見て運転してよ | Keep your'eyes on the road |
そんなにたくさんのお豆は食べれないって! | I can't possibly eat that many beans. |
一本丸ごと黙って食べて | Eat the whole roll in total silence |
そんなの私が子供の時はなかったな | We didn't have that when we were a kid |
土曜が祝日だとどう? | How do you fell when a holiday falls on a Saturday? |
祝日が何日あったら十分? | How many holidays are enough |
寝すぎても疲れちゃうんだよね | Too much sleep will make me even more tired |
雪の季節が終わったわけがなかった | There was no way snow season was over |
やっぱりあれで終わりじゃなかった | I knew that wasn't it |
もう少しでショベルをしまうところだった | I almost put away the shovels. |
うそでしょ、来週はもう3月だよ。 | Are you kidding? It's already March next week |
時間がたつのが速い!焦っちゃう。 | Time flies!I'm freaking out. |
スラングを使うタイミングって難しくない? | It's hard to use slang at the right timing, don't you think? |
今日が最後の日だね | Today is your last day |
私よりずっと背が高くなったね | You've gotten so much taller than me |
2人の写真を撮ってあげるよ | I'll take a photo of you two. |
もうタイヤの溝がない | The tread is worn out |
夏中冬のタイヤをはきつぶすわ | I'll use the winter tires through the summer |
そろそろオイル交換の時期かな | It's time to change oil now. |
試験に合格おめでとう | Congratulations on passing your exam |
これからも頑張ってください | Good luck for more progress |
こんなに嬉しい事はないねー | I've never been happier. |
感動した | I was touched |
勝利に酔いしれた | We were overjoed by the victory |
よくわからないけど面白かった | I don't know why but it was exciting. |
息をのむ歩道痛苦しい | They are breathtakingly beautiful |
待って、もう散ってるの? | Wait, are they already falling? |
ここは歩くだけで十分お花見できるね | We can enjoy cherry blossom viewing just by walking here. |
雨に会わなくてよかった | I’m glad they missed the rain |
この時期の雨…典型的な金沢だね | Rain is this seoson…so tipical of Kanazawa |
まあそろそろ降るかと思ってた | I knew the rain was going to start soon. |
似合ってる | You look good in it |
すてき!かっこいいよ!うれしいよ! | I'm so proud of you |
もうすっかり一年生だね | You are already a first grader! |
慣れてきた? | Are you getting use to it? |
みんなと仲良くやってる? | Are you getting along with everyone? |
あんまりストレスかけすぎないでね | Don't give yourself too much stress. |
列に並ぶの大嫌い | I hate waiting in line |
渋滞で1ミリも動かない! | The traffic doesn't move an inch. |
というわけで私は家にいるね | That's why I'll stay home. |
5月病です | I'm getting the spring blues |
そこそこでいくわ(あまりがんばらないでいくわ) | I'll just take it easy |
あー明日起きれるかなあ | Will I be able to get up tomorrow? |
今日は薄めの服の方がいいよ | Better put on some light clothing today |
出かけるときに帽子をもって行ってね | Grab your hat on the way out |
日焼け対策しないと | I have to take some precautions to prevent sunburns. |
なかなか寝れなかった | I had a hard time falling a sleep |
一晩中寝返りをうってた | I was tossing and turning all night |
毎日布団蹴っ飛ばして寝てる | I'm kicking futon while sleeping. |
ねえうちの子が二人三脚に出るよ | Hey our girl is joining the three legged race |
プログラムの最後は混合リレーです | The last one on the program is the mixed relay |
フレーフレー紅組 | Go go Red Team! |
半年が過ぎちゃった | Half the year is gone |
どうして年を取ると時間がたつのが速くなるの? | Why does time speed up as we get older |
でもまあ今日は立ち止まってコーヒーを | But for today I'll take it easy and have some coffee. |
その折り畳み傘新しいの? | Is that folding umbrella new? |
中までびしょ濡れだ | I've got wet inside out |
え雨漏り?! | What?!Leaking in the roof? |
歯磨き粉がないよ | We are out of the toothpaste |
何でなくなっても誰もトイレットペーパー替えないんだろう | Why doesn't anyone change the toilet paper when it runs out |
シャンプー詰め替えといてよおー | Please somebody refill the shampoo bottole?! |